The SWH 1A product corresponds to the historical SPOT scene 1A product using the DIMAP format (GeoTIFF + XML metadata).
First radiometric corrections of distortions due to differences in sensitivity of the elementary detectors of the viewing instrument. No geometric corrections.
60 km x 60 km image product (120 km swath for SPOT-5 HRS mode)
Image product in Top Of Atmosphere reflectance.
The SWH L1C product corresponds to an orthorectified SPOT 1A scene product using the THEIA format (GeoTIFF + XML metadata + GeoTIFF masks). Orthorectification will be performed using refined Sentinel-2 reference images (announced in 2021 by ESA) and a SRTM DEM.
Additional radiometric corrections are applied and technical masks are provided (nodata, cloud, water, snow).
The geometric corrections also include the inter-bands registration.